Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Zoophonics parties and school updates

  Wow its almost Halloween! I can't believe how fast things are moving along. This week Thursday and Friday are out Zoophonics parties. Your child has the chance to dress up as a Zoophonics character for school that day and enjoy some activities and a party in class. The costume doesn't have to be elaborate ears and a tail or a hat that looks like a character are all they need. Wal-Mart had cat and bat hats in the $1 section and ears and tails are easy to find. You can always do a homemade outfit as well get creative. Don't forget parents working that day are having a contest for best costume as well. Party days are very exciting and for most of you this is your child's first class party. Please remember that its a regular school day as well so that's why our party list was created. If you would like to give an additional treat to the kids in class please have them ready to distribute to cubbies at the end of the day so that we limit the candy and sugar intake at school. We will also be using no paint, water or super messy activities on party day so we don't ruin costumes.

  We are now headed into November our study will be on squash and gourds. Did you know that most squash are considered fruit because they contain seeds? I didn't until researching for this study. We will be exploring these items, what we can do with them and lead our way towards what they have to do with Thanksgiving. If you have any or find any cool squash or gourds please bring them to school. After Halloween is a great time to get those items on mark down.

 Speaking of markdown if anyone finds any dress-up items or old costumes that would be dramatic play area appropriate please consider donating them to IPS for our dress up areas.

  We are discussing how to keep healthy during cold and flu season in class. I have gone over with the kids how to cough into the elbow to lessen the spread of those germs, hand washing and using tissues. Please make sure to practice these things with your child at home as well. If we can start good habits now they will not only help our kids in class get sick less, but also be good habits as they grow up. We do need to make sure we have lots of tissue in class for all the runny noses so if a few families could donate a box every now and then that would be very helpful. Also when your child washes their hands please encourage them to rub their hands with soap before washing it all away under the water. I will continue to work on keeping the classroom clean, and encouraging good healthy habits in class. If your child is sick please follow the schools sick policy and keep them home.

 Another thing to help keep everyone safe is by obeying the parking lot speed limits. The speed limit in the parking lot is 10MPH. Remember it only takes one second for a child to run out from behind a car or out into the lot and get hit.