Friday, August 28, 2015

First week!

 We have had a great first week in the owl class! We are exploring our surroundings, learning about each other, and learning how school works. The kiddos have done a great job and some are still working on the transition from being home to being at school and some tears are to be expected. Please keep reassuring them that you will come back, school is fun and that they will have a great day.

 I sent home a few things this week one was a paper asking some questions for you the parents. I know you filled out some packets that are in the student file but this one is a quick reference for me to have and I also like to use them to find things some kids have in common and try to help them build relationships with other children who have similar interests. It also lets me know how to get a hold of you and others in a quick reference kind of way. Turn those in to me as soon as you can. The second was an all about me poster. This is another way to encourage kids to find things in common with others in a visual way. It also helps me get to know them and their family. Please turn in the posters by September 5th. One more thing I need is a family photo this way the kids have a picture of their family in class it makes them feel at home in our room. This picture will remain on the wall all year.

 A few reminders if your child is ill please review the guidelines in the handbook regarding when your child is too sick to be at school. We do wellness checks in the mornings and I hate to have to send friends home, but its best for us all. If your child was sick and is still recovering let me know so that I can keep an eye on them and note any changes in behavior. Also please help me in the mornings by making sure your child washes their hands as soon as they are in class. This and frequent hand washing during the day help us to reduce illness in the class.

  Next Wednesday and Thursday we are having an extra messy art exploration day! Be prepared for paint, water, shaving cream and lots of mess come prepared with clothes that can get messy and extras.

 I have added a poll on the side of the blog page asking if you would be interested in having a closed group facebook page for our class. We would use it to post messages for our class, a few pictures, a way to contact me and class reps etc. I would be the admin and would add in parents only! Pleasde answer the survey and if we have an interest we can work on getting that together.

 Enjoy your first weekend and I will see you all next week!

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